Способы замены строк в Elixir и их производительность

Однажды мне пришлось повозиться со строками в приложении, для производительности которого важны были доли секунды. Я решил протестировать несколько решений и сравнить их скоростные характеристики. Результаты получились достаточно предсказуемые.

path = "/haha/index.html"
subdomain_rx = ~r(^\/[^\/]+)

  "pattern_match_bytes" => fn ->
    len = byte_size("/haha")
    <<_::bytes-size(len), rest :: binary >> = path
  "pattern_match" => fn -> "/haha" <> rest = path; rest end,
  "slice" => fn -> String.slice(path, String.length("/haha")..-1) end,
  "replace_prefix" => fn -> String.replace_prefix(path, "/haha", "") end,
  "split" => fn -> String.splitter(path, "/") |> Enum.drop(1) |> Enum.join("/") end,
  "regex" => fn -> String.replace(path, subdomain_rx, "") end,

Результаты бенчмарка:

bench [master] $ mix run lib/bench.exs
Operating System: Linux
CPU Information: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz
Number of Available Cores: 8
Available memory: 12.019316 GB
Elixir 1.4.4
Erlang 20.0-rc2
Benchmark suite executing with the following configuration:
warmup: 2.00 s
time: 5.00 s
parallel: 1
inputs: none specified
Estimated total run time: 42.00 s

Benchmarking pattern_match...
Warning: The function you are trying to benchmark is super fast, making measures more unreliable! See: https://github.com/PragTob/benchee/wiki/Benchee-Warnings#fast-execution-warning
You may disable this warning by passing print: [fast_warning: false] as configuration options.

Benchmarking pattern_match_bytes...
Warning: The function you are trying to benchmark is super fast, making measures more unreliable! See: https://github.com/PragTob/benchee/wiki/Benchee-Warnings#fast-execution-warning
You may disable this warning by passing print: [fast_warning: false] as configuration options.

Benchmarking regex...

Benchmarking replace_prefix...
Warning: The function you are trying to benchmark is super fast, making measures more unreliable! See: https://github.com/PragTob/benchee/wiki/Benchee-Warnings#fast-execution-warning
You may disable this warning by passing print: [fast_warning: false] as configuration options.

Benchmarking slice...

Benchmarking split...

Name                          ips        average  deviation         median
pattern_match_bytes       24.05 M      0.0416 μs  ±1797.73%      0.0300 μs
pattern_match             22.37 M      0.0447 μs  ±1546.59%      0.0400 μs
replace_prefix             3.11 M        0.32 μs   ±204.05%        0.22 μs
slice                      1.25 M        0.80 μs  ±6484.21%        1.00 μs
split                      0.75 M        1.34 μs  ±3267.35%        1.00 μs
regex                      0.42 M        2.37 μs  ±1512.77%        2.00 μs

pattern_match_bytes       24.05 M
pattern_match             22.37 M - 1.08x slower
replace_prefix             3.11 M - 7.73x slower
slice                      1.25 M - 19.30x slower
split                      0.75 M - 32.18x slower
regex                      0.42 M - 57.00x slower

Так что когда вы в следующий раз захотите удалить символы в начале строки, используйте сопоставление с образцом :)


Прочитав комментарии, я провёл небольшой тест кода для замены конца строки:

path = "/haha/index.html"
ext_rx = ~r/\.[^\.]+$/

  "reverse_pattern_match_bytes" => fn ->
    len = byte_size(".html")
    <<_::bytes-size(len), rest :: binary >> = String.reverse(path)
    rest |> String.reverse
  "reverse_pattern_match" => fn -> "lmth." <> rest = String.reverse(path); String.reverse(rest) end,
  "slice" => fn -> String.slice(path, 0..(String.length(".html") * (-1))) end,
  "replace_suffix" => fn -> String.replace_suffix(path, ".html", "") end,
  "split" => fn -> String.splitter(path, ".") |> Enum.slice(0..-2) |> Enum.join(".") end,
  "regex" => fn -> String.replace(path, ext_rx, "") end,

И получил интересный результат.

Это подтолкнуло меня посмотреть на исходный код функций replace_prefix и replace_suffix в Elixir:

def replace_prefix(string, match, replacement)
    when is_binary(string) and is_binary(match) and is_binary(replacement) do
  prefix_size = byte_size(match)
  suffix_size = byte_size(string) - prefix_size
  case string do
    <<prefix::size(prefix_size)-binary, suffix::size(suffix_size)-binary>> when prefix == match ->
      replacement <> suffix
    _ ->

def replace_suffix(string, match, replacement)
    when is_binary(string) and is_binary(match) and is_binary(replacement) do
  suffix_size = byte_size(match)
  prefix_size = byte_size(string) - suffix_size
  case string do
    <<prefix::size(prefix_size)-binary, suffix::size(suffix_size)-binary>> when suffix == match ->
      prefix <> replacement
    _ ->

Я слегка подкорректировал код бенчмарка, сделав так, чтобы каждая замена проделывалась по 1000 раз и предупреждающее сообщение задерживалось.

defmodule Bench do
  def run(fun), do: fun.()
  def no_run(_fun), do: :ok
  def times(n \\ 1000, fun), do: fn -> Enum.each(1..n, fn _ -> fun.() end) end

# match beginning of string
Bench.run(fn ->
  path = "/haha/index.html"
  subdomain_rx = ~r(^\/[^\/]+)
    "pattern_match_bytes" => Bench.times(fn ->
      len = byte_size("/haha")
      <<_::bytes-size(len), rest :: binary >> = path
    "pattern_match" => Bench.times(fn -> "/haha" <> rest = path; rest end),
    "slice" => Bench.times(fn -> String.slice(path, String.length("/haha")..-1) end),
    "replace_prefix" => Bench.times(fn -> String.replace_prefix(path, "/haha", "") end),
    "split" => Bench.times(fn -> String.splitter(path, "/") |> Enum.drop(1) |> Enum.join("/") end),
    "regex" => Bench.times(fn -> String.replace(path, subdomain_rx, "") end),

# match end of string string
Bench.run(fn ->
  path = "/haha/index.html"
  ext_rx = ~r/\.[^\.]+$/
    "reverse_pattern_match_bytes" => Bench.times(fn ->
      len = byte_size(".html")
      <<_::bytes-size(len), rest :: binary >> = String.reverse(path)
      rest |> String.reverse
    "reverse_pattern_match" => Bench.times(fn -> "lmth." <> rest = String.reverse(path); String.reverse(rest) end),
    "slice" => Bench.times(fn -> String.slice(path, 0..(String.length(".html") * (-1))) end),
    "replace_suffix" => Bench.times(fn -> String.replace_suffix(path, ".html", "") end),
    "split" => Bench.times(fn -> String.splitter(path, ".") |> Enum.slice(0..-2) |> Enum.join(".") end),
    "regex" => Bench.times(fn -> String.replace(path, ext_rx, "") end),

Результаты бенчмарка:

elixir_benchmarks [master *] $ mix run lib/bench.exs

  Operating System: Linux
  CPU Information: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz
  Number of Available Cores: 8
  Available memory: 12.019316 GB
  Elixir 1.4.4
  Erlang 20.0-rc2
  Benchmark suite executing with the following configuration:
  warmup: 2.00 s
  time: 5.00 s
  parallel: 1
  inputs: none specified
  Estimated total run time: 42.00 s
  Benchmarking pattern_match...
  Benchmarking pattern_match_bytes...
  Benchmarking regex...
  Benchmarking replace_prefix...
  Benchmarking slice...
  Benchmarking split...
  Name                          ips        average  deviation         median
  pattern_match_bytes       15.17 K      0.0659 ms    ±18.05%      0.0610 ms
  pattern_match             14.60 K      0.0685 ms    ±17.41%      0.0640 ms
  replace_prefix             2.52 K        0.40 ms    ±21.46%        0.38 ms
  slice                      0.83 K        1.20 ms    ±21.95%        1.11 ms
  split                      0.58 K        1.72 ms    ±16.76%        1.63 ms
  regex                      0.45 K        2.24 ms     ±7.42%        2.22 ms
  pattern_match_bytes       15.17 K
  pattern_match             14.60 K - 1.04x slower
  replace_prefix             2.52 K - 6.01x slower
  slice                      0.83 K - 18.24x slower
  split                      0.58 K - 26.10x slower
  regex                      0.45 K - 33.98x slower
  Operating System: Linux
  CPU Information: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz
  Number of Available Cores: 8
  Available memory: 12.019316 GB
  Elixir 1.4.4
  Erlang 20.0-rc2
  Benchmark suite executing with the following configuration:
  warmup: 2.00 s
  time: 5.00 s
  parallel: 1
  inputs: none specified
  Estimated total run time: 42.00 s
  Benchmarking regex...
  Benchmarking replace_suffix...
  Benchmarking reverse_pattern_match...
  Benchmarking reverse_pattern_match_bytes...
  Benchmarking slice...
  Benchmarking split...
  Name                                  ips        average  deviation         median
  replace_suffix                    2633.75        0.38 ms    ±21.15%        0.36 ms
  split                              618.06        1.62 ms    ±13.56%        1.57 ms
  regex                              389.25        2.57 ms     ±6.54%        2.54 ms
  slice                              324.19        3.08 ms    ±19.06%        2.88 ms
  reverse_pattern_match_bytes        275.45        3.63 ms    ±12.08%        3.48 ms
  reverse_pattern_match              272.06        3.68 ms    ±11.99%        3.54 ms
  replace_suffix                    2633.75
  split                              618.06 - 4.26x slower
  regex                              389.25 - 6.77x slower
  slice                              324.19 - 8.12x slower
  reverse_pattern_match_bytes        275.45 - 9.56x slower
  reverse_pattern_match              272.06 - 9.68x slower
  elixir_benchmarks [master *] $

Очевидно, для удаления символов с конца replace_suffix подойдёт как нельзя лучше, тогда как с началом строки быстрее всего работает pattern_match_bytes. Но на самом деле всё не совсем так. Потому что в моём случае, я точно знаю, что у строки есть префикс. Второе место занимает Pattern_match, который оказался в 6 раз быстрее текущей реализации String.replace_prefix.

Быть может, это потому, что я использую OTP 20? Что ж, попробуем запустить всё это в других версиях OTP и сравнить результаты. А если они окажутся одинаковыми, придёт время изменить стандартную реализацию.

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